Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I am in the transformational mood! While some may be quick  to point out that the dishes are still in the sink and the washing is on the line... Let's not deny the inspirational and motivational boost that is found in totally re-organising a 'crap-attraction' zone. I find that as I bring new life to an area in the house and give it a make-over I discover increased energy reserves within myself for tackling the other day-to-day jobs, such as the dishes and the laundry.  

Our 'craft desk' is one such area that attracts crap, like a moth to a flame. I haven't minded too much as I know without it here in the kitchen a lot of that stuff would be on the table. However, as you will agree from the photo evidence, it was high time I tackled this area with a vengeance and rethought the way I was utilising it (or not utilising it as the case may be!)

It took me a number of hours to sort through this, (longer still because I was doing it, in and around the bed time routine). But It was time well spent and it felt great to have some order at the end of it all. I had a bit of a light bulb moment. I am sure it must be a rule of organisation somewhere, or maybe it should be; that if you have open shelves, you SHOULD NOT use see-through containers for storing items as this just adds to the overall clutter. Clear storage tubs should be reserved for use behind closed doors. IN closets and such, where you already have a door hiding it from view, and when opened it is easy to see what is there and you don't have to open everything up, after already opening the closet doors. Makes sense right?! So I have taken all my clear storage items and found new homes for them in other closets (ok to be honest, I have shoved them in the hallway closet until the transformational whirlwind comes to town in there.)

Earlier in the day I had purchased a few key items from Ikea to use on my re-organised craft shelves. I already had a few black plastic paper bins from Ikea (as you can see in the photo above). So I opted for items that matched in with these. I kind of have a thing for baskets as I find them to be a beautiful way to bring order. This lovely basket had some black in it which made it a perfect match with my other storage items. I also bought a couple of cheap magazine holders from Ikea- also in black (though they aren't in this photo, you can see them in the final picture)

It was time to put everything back in a way that would make it user friendly and pleasing to the eye. The two black tubs you see in the picture I used for painting supplies and colouring/activity books (we seem to have a lot of these!!) respectively. The magazine holders are chock-full of magazines that are free to use for cutting up. Play-dough and its accesories are living in the square wicker basket. Next to that is the pot of scissors, tape dispenser and other stationary needs all housed in tubs behind. On the top shelf i have kept a few books on display and some folders, my camera bag and a few other tubs of random craft stuff...Blah, blah, blah, I am sure you get the drift!  Here is the final product! Hudson wanted in the picture too, so that is him saying 'Hi'!

It is a vast improvement as you can see. Though you will note there still remains the 'basket of crap' in the corner of the desk. Those pesky items that just seem lost, somewhat useless and yet I am unable to throw them away and giving them away to charity just seems mean. Let's face it, there is probably always going to be a few items that allude categorization, and there might as well be a basket for them as opposed to having them scattered about the house. The half-way house for objects. I may, in future purchase a few more tubs or baskets to make the overall look more ordered and crisp, but I am very happy with the improvement and it does need to remain a practical way to get at activities without digging around too much. I am particularly happy with the lovely basket which is home to our craft bits and bobs. These craft-randoms used to be housed in a clear plastic tub, which only added to the chaos as previously highlighted. Now they are beautifully hidden, yet just as accessible- in fact, more so as the basket makes rummaging through it easier. Oh bliss.

In the last week or so since doing this mini-makeover I have found it such a delight to use items and activities off the shelf and put them away. With everything having a clear home it's easy to see and access what's on offer. It was such a jumble before I rarely bothered to get any activities out as I didn't want to add any more chaos to the chaos. Order really lends itself to creativity. When all possibilities are laid out before you in a beautiful way it just makes you want to dive in and enjoy. I have often witnessed this when I have re-organised the kids room or play room. Freshly tidied, the kids can't wait to jump in there and let there imaginations come up with fun games and play with forgotten toys...And then it's back to the chaos and we start all over again!! :) 

Monday, February 17, 2014

All things new

Far out! Did I ever attack those hills! Heck! The day after my last post I was overtaken with the sudden urge to rip out the carpet in the girls bedroom. Actually it is now the 'kids' bedroom since we moved Hudson in there around Christmas time. So its pretty crowded in there. Yep. Here's a pic if you doubted me on that score. (and I took this picture when the room was pretty tidy!)

You can't tell from the photo but underneath that bright Ikea rug, is some carpet that has been there since the house was built. It is brown with some sort of rose pattern on it. It was pretty threadbare in many parts of the room. The parts that weren't threadbare felt like some kind of fuzz, reminiscent of the rough green side of sponges. You know the ones I mean. Mmmm love the feel of that underfoot in the morning. NOT. It looked hideous, felt hideous and I dare say didn't smell too good either but we try to avoid close contact. Usually pretty easy to do since it is covered in clothing, paper, shoes, bags and, did I already mention paper? Anyway, back to ripping it up :). When I woke up that morning I hadn't planned on ripping up the carpet. Even in light of what I wrote the night before about 'attacking the hills'- when it comes to housework. It just seized me, the force of the idea, the 'rightness' of it. This was the day.(it probably did help that that morning was I awoke with three nights disruption free in my favor, boy what a few good nights sleep can accomplish!) All I needed was the little nod of approval from the landlord (AKA mum), and I was in there, alongside Dad, moving out the furniture and ripping up that stuff!! Man did it feel good, though we nearly choked on the dust!
(Shane helped out a bit in his lunch break, such fun was it to rip up carpet and nails, no that is not him wetting his pants with the excitment, that stain on the ground was caused by...Let's not investigate! But Mum was able to lessen the look of it with some bleach water- go Mum!)

In went I with the vacuum (speaking of which, anyone want to buy us a new one to welcome us into the 21st century?!) to clear away the dusty remains and the nail pull  and hammer to get rid of any dangerous sharpies. Did some cleaning of walls and made plans for paint purchasing. I was caught up in a whirlwind of inspiration and motivation, perhaps precipitated by many nights of Pinterest, all that inspiration had to go somewhere. Like a volcano I finally erupted. All my pent-up decor frustrations and desires rushed out all at once and I could hardly work fast enough in pursuit of my vision. I could do this. I could have a room worthy of re-pinning!

Conveniently Charlotte's art class that afternoon was located a few hundred metres from Mitre10, and providentially- Shane still had a Mitre10 gift card for $50 that was begging to be used. Talk about destiny! With Esther in tow we trotted down to the hardware store and bee-lined it to the paint section. Esther was taken with the paint cards as I perused the aisles of paint pots and mis-tints.

'Do you need some help?' A burly bearded clerk asked. Oh yes I do.
I needed blue paint for the bunk bed, green paint for the toddler bed, grey for the walls, and white or cream for the edges and door, oh and don't forget the yellow for the floor. I found a passable cream colour in the mis-tints at half price that Mr. Helpful said was suitable. He also aided my choice of grey by pointing out the white based paint is cheaper. Ok, done. And I managed to find desirable colours for the beds in the sample pots. And the floor? Well I think he thought I was a bit crazy for wanting to paint the floor and I allowed myself to be talked out of it when he explained how much paint, that is tough enough to be walked on, costs. Ok, maybe I was getting a bit carried away...

I had foolishly hoped I would get all the painting done that evening. Well, of course I did not, but I made a lot of headway in my enthusiastic DIY rush. 3/4 of the bunk and toddler bed got painted as well as half of the bedroom. The rest could wait til morning.

Playgroup Friday morning meant I couldn't get stuck in til after lunch when Zipporah had gone down for her nap. Never mind, I wouldn't have been able to paint with miss Zealous around anyway. Hudson happily played in the living room while I got back at it. This time with Mum's help with the painting. She caught the vision and became my unlikely com-padre. Fresh wind in my sails (not that it had ever really abated) we the rest of the painting done. I even got some relunctant assistance out of Arien who painted the door and the wooden, corner thingies that go along the edge of the floor. Yay.

That evening the final job, of staining the floor. Mum didn't want my help with this and did it all for me. Thanks Mum! We had to shift the bunk bed around the room as we painted different parts as we certainly didn't want to take it a part to get it out of the room. This is probably another good reason I didn't paint the floor. It didn't matter too much if the floor was walked on straight after the stain. Went to bed taht night knowing re-assembly could take place in the morning! (excitement building!)

And here are some pictures of the final product! Who doesn't love a good before and after?!! This was such a satisfying makeover. This room has really gone from being a black spot in the house to being probably my favourite space. Such a good feeling. I am really feeling like I CAN get on top of things. Not just get by, but really make spaces beautiful to be in. Still a long way to go, but this really is a big encouragement to me and the kids LOVE it!

I am so thrilled about how it all came together! It's such a beautiful space to be in now. I even continued 'attacking the hills' that evening as I went through the piles of stuff that were on the girls desk and floor. Put heaps in the bin and sorted and put away the rest and it feels really good. Nothing like taking on those mountains and conquering to know that it really is possible. Thanks for the help Mum, Dad, Shane and Arien. Total cost of the paint etc was $170 (and $50 was on our gift card)pretty good bang for your buck I reckon.  :) :) 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

All things are possible! Even housework.

Ok, how's my new year's resolution about blogging more frequently looking? Pretty unresolved. Shivers, we are half way through February already and I am lagging here. It feels like there has been a couple of months packed into the last month alone... School holidays finishing up with lots of trips to the beach and times with family. Helping to throw a biggish 70th birthday for my Dad which was truly a beautiful day. The girls started a new school year and it's already week 3 of term 1! Plus throw into the mix the fact that Shane was offered and accepted, an interim youth pastor position for six months, and I am doing my best to partner him in that role as much as possible. Life marches on!

 I am certainly finding (painfully aware after reading my last post!), despite my noble ambitions and hopes for myself and my housekeeping that there are no quick fixes. I wish I could change as quickly as I could write a lovely post about what I hope to become! I guess having a vision is a good place to start...

I have been reflecting recently though how keeping the household in order (or better put, TRYING, to keep it in order!) is something of a thorn in the flesh for me. Ok, not to spiritualise it...wait, too late I am going to do it, because that is what I do! :0

I love reading, writing, talking, contemplating all the possibilities, the future, life, spirituality all that. I could be happy just in a little cloud of reverie about all these things. But, then I have to do the dishes and sweep the floor and change nappies and answer a million 'why' questions, yes Hudson just entered that phase. I think if I didn't have this mundane, everyday life begging for my attention constantly through the day I would be in danger of, yes I will admit it, becoming a spiritual snob. Often I feel like my everyday life is getting in the way of my spiritual development... But what I am realising is that , that kind of thinking is very misled. If we think our 'enlightenment' on the deeper issues of life will happen better in a setting different to the one we are in the middle of, we are very much deceived. I didn't fully grasp one of Joyce Meyer's favourite lines until more recently; 'if you can't get authority over a sink full of dirty dishes, what makes you think you can get authority over any devil in hell?!' Gosh I love her! So profound. So simple, so TRUE! If I am feeling overwhelmed by my housework, by the dishes in the sink, if they are causing me to curl up and cry, well, then that is really the battle I need to be facing head on more than any other isn't it? And from there, we can work our way upwards onto bigger things.

I think this truth is so important. So easily missed. But I don't want to miss the vital truth that God has placed me in these exact circumstances with these exact responsibilities for a SPECIFIC purpose and that to run from these responsibilities to other things which seem more appealing, more fun, more intellectual, more IMPORTANT, means I am going to miss the perfectly set up training ground he has created for me to grow. He knows the best conditions, he knows the best way to get the best out of me. For me, right now, that means being a wife, being a mother, looking after the household, making food, cleaning up, going shopping etc. etc. Mundane, everyday, boring? Maybe not.

I am going to embrace these tasks rather than try to shirk them, to face the challenges head on. To 'attack the hills' as Shane says to me about jogging! Don't shy from them, face them head on! Become excellent at them. Do it unto God! Every little job becomes an act of worship, an act of thanks. Every job becomes something that forms my habits and shapes my character. I know He is using these things to mold me into what he has created me to be. It doesn't look exciting on the outside, but he sees the inside. And hey, its not all housework and nappy changes, I do have the great privilege of having other outlets and avenues to share and serve in outside the home, and for that too I am very grateful.

Where I am right now is the best place for me. I have a long way to go to gain full 'authority' over all the things entrusted to me, but I want to get there, little by little, with the grace of God giving me strength I know I will conquer those dishes once and for all!

'I can do ALL things (even the housework!!) through Christ who gives me strength'