Monday, August 4, 2008

Falling off the wagon...

Ok, confession time. I have (unofficially) fallen off the wagon with my 'healthy lifestyle' plan. The point of the healthy lifestyle however, is that it is not a 'wagon' that you can hop on and off of, but more of a one way ticket on some sort of transport that you can't get off of easily (say bullet train?), ok I am struggling for metaphors here. If I haven't fallen off of the 'wagon' I have lost a wheel or something (wheel representing my motivation and enthusiasm). Sigh. That bit of gastro threw me out. See, at first I was thinking 'yay bonus easy kilos to lose' and I did lose a bit that week. But then I was over optimistic about this whole weight loss thing and the goal was so within grasp and it had been easier than I had anticipated (thanks to not eating for a week, sort of) and so, you know, time to celebrate! I don't need to say no to those bars of chocolate and packets of chips anymore.... And so I find myself back to square one. Well, perhaps I am being a little pessimistic, I don't think I have gained anything...Well I haven't weighed myself yet today and so I will do that now, as it is Monday, payday as it were... hang on a sec....Sigh, yes it looks like I have put on about a kilo since last week. There is just no easy way around this is there? I just really feel like eating junk! Ok, time to read Dr. Phil's weight loss solution again...I am sure he will offer me some straight talking 'is that working for you' advice. I WILL reach my goal!!!!

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