Well, it's time to blog again. Reading my previous blog, that week is still fresh in my mind. I have had quite a positive in change in outlook since that time and am enjoying the fruit of that in my days. I love the Joyce Meyer slogan 'enjoying everyday life'. It's so simple but so profound... We all have mountain top moments of feeling like we can take on the world, that we can do anything...Often they are quite fleeting as we are plunged into the valley of despair, drudgery or monotony all too quickly. What I am discovering is the truth in the phrase 'abundant life'. The real secret to enjoying everyday life, it seems to me, is having the mundane transformed into the marvelous. Look, I am not quite sure how it happens, and many days it certainly doesn't for me (as seen in my last post) but I have experienced it. When His truth becomes my reality, life is wonderful. Things that have held dread, tasks that seem overwhelminging are transformed into the merest of trifles. It is amazing what happens when we truly believe his word.
Isn't it just lovely that God WANTS us to enjoy our lives? That he has made a way for it to be possible? He is so good to us, he is such a loving Father. I am so delighted to have the freedom to choose how I approach the day. sometimes I use that power against myself, I make unwise choices, I allow circumstances to dictate my response and a vicious circle begins! However, at any moment I can make new choices and step off that cycle; I can ask for help, strength, patience and mercy. Each new day I get to start again, to start afresh. He knows we need that sleep and that new morning to try it all over again and maybe get it a bit more right this time! Thank you for your mercy Father and for giving it to us afresh each day, it is much needed and much appreciated!
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