Do any other mothers feel overwhelmed at the amount of clothing they have for their children? Do you have piles of clothes half sorted cluttering up the corners of your rooms and the recesses' of the closet? I sure do. I seem to be in a constant state of 'sorting out' with the clothes. It doesn't help that they both keep growing out of things... No one likes to get rid of the cutesy precious things their little princesses have worn. And so we like to hand them on to dearly loved friends and family who will enjoy them as much as we have, plus it takes the pain out of parting with them. I have been the blessed recipient of many such items, thanks to my sister and a few good friends. However, I am very nostalgic and find it hard to throw things away. I find I am keeping items of clothing not so much because I like them, but I know my sister really did, so perhaps I better hang on to it, in case I have a third girl...
Meanwhile my closets are in such disarray and the 'put aside' boxes with clothes that someone is waiting to 'grow into' are forgotten until it is too late!
Before I put anyone off buying me new things for the girls, let me say how much I LOVE getting lovely new or second hand things. Dressing little girls is sooo much fun. However the aquirement of clothing seems to highlight my lack of organisation skills. But, I am happy to announce I have done much reorganising today! I have even begun labelling the storage containers I have put away, now whenever I see them, I will remember what is in there and ponder when I might use them next.
I was able to spend a couple of hours on this usually overwhelming task as my lovely friend Mia is looking after Esther for the day. It is sooo novel to have all this time on my hands to do things like sort through clothes! It was actually really fun and I discovered that I would probably be doing a better job of upkeep in this area if I had more time to devote to it... I am sure that is a popular excuse for all sorts of things... :)
At any rate the girls' closet is looking quite lovely and I am feeling an inner calm about it all....sigh of contentment....
There still is the problem of what to do with the clothes I really like and both girls have grown out of. I find it especially hard to know what to do with the girly clothes, as I am trying to keep my 'stuff for next baby' as gender neutral as possible. My solution? See picture below...

...We will have the best dressed stuffed toys around!
Love your work Christy! There is true pain in sentimentality and surrendering of all things precious... love ya, Tenny x
Thanks Christy for lighting up my life with your honesty and wisdom about your everyday experiences.
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