Yes. Believe it or not people there are days when I DON'T feel like a domestic goddess. But then this blog is all about chronicling my journey from housewife to goddess so I guess that is ok.
Why do some days just drag?
The whining, the crying, the demands, the dishes, the laundry, the mess, the bad hair, the big waistline and the slow ticking clock all combine to make life seem...Hard! Today was one of the those days...Though I must confess both girls were quite good and did well, or at least average. But it is not so much what is happening around me that gets me down, but within. It doesn't seem to take much... Lose a bit of sleep here, bit of bad nutrition there, not much time with God and... Here I am feeling sad and sorry for myself again. I do have a down day now and then but this week there has been more than one which isn't very nice, and I spend my time trying to analyse all the reasons for this and who is to blame rather than just climb back out of my self pity pit and get on with it, to do what I know to do. I have all the answers; how to climb out...But sometimes I don't FEEL like doing it and I just want someone to reach out and kiss ME better. You know the feeling?...
totally know what you mean...sometimes i think its actually good for our kids to see that we have bad days too (so long as we don't take everything out on them :) as it shows them that things don't have to be perfect all the time. They don't have to be perfect (since we aren't), its ok if they have feelings other than happy (we do), sometimes things do go a bit haywire (but it gets sorted out in the end), people can feel cross or grumpy but can still love and be loved.
then there's always the encouraging slogan...this too shall pass!
wise words jess! thanks for the comment, and the encouragement! xx
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