Thats life isn't it? We are navigating between matters of eternal significance, yet we are never to escape the everyday matters of daily life that need attending to. Nor should we. I think within our everyday practicalities we actually can find things of eternal significance... If we are looking to see them. If we have ears to hear.
That said I am not sure what cakes bring to this discussion,...nevertheless! They are a regular part of my life and I thought it would be fun to share them. Recently we have celebrated two birthdays in this household. I was reflecting on how my cake making/decorating skills have improved over the years... We added it up and realised we have had 19 kids birthdays so far!! I am pretty sure I have baked a cake for every single one! Then throw in the odd niece and nephew cake or sibling and parents ones...And heck! No wonder I am improving!
I love surfing Pinterest for cake decorating inspiration and I thought I would throw my hat in the ring and hope to offer some inspiration of my own. I am the first to admit decorating is not my forte and it actually is not a huge interest area for me, I love investing time into the taste rather than the decorations! (I refuse to use fondant! It might look good but I can't stand the taste!)
But for kids cakes I do like to get into it a bit as it is a lot of fun to make it a treat for the eyes as well as the tastebuds! So here is a little photo gallery of cakes I have made (some with a lot of help!!). Shout out credit goes to my sister-in-law Anna, who's artistry is seen in the gorgeous rainbow cake she decorated (had to share it) and Elle who came to my great aid in the phenomenal frozen cake!! Wow, she blew me away! I can't actually take ANY credit for decorating that one, though i did most of the 'conceptual' work for that ;) Thanks guys! working together on stuff like this is actually WAY more fun! I really think blue icing tastes the best :)
Charlotte's 1st and 3rd...
Hudson's 2nd! Pig cake!
Hudson's 4th - Octonaut cake

There are many more, but its a bit of a photo hunt so I will leave it here...
And just to end... A throw back to a couple years ago.. I made this meme showing my dramatic fail- my attempt at this cool Jelly cake!! Bah! It happens to us all. Sometimes reality just can't quite hit the spot we had hoped it would! But we continue on, undeterred.. (ok maybe a little deterred!) - I have yet to retry this come to think of it, so great was the disappointment of failure! Anyway it makes for a good laugh! Don't take yourself too seriously, its meant to be fun and bring fun! Happy baking and creating everyone! :) :)
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