I am happy to report that I am now in my 7th week of the 12 week plan, and am now at 84kg! Wooo! It's so nice to be fitting comfortably in my jeans, not that its that pleasant wearing jeans in this humidity...But the air-con is on and I feel good!
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I want to touch on something I mentioned in my previous blog; the phrase Nike made their own-JUST DO IT! In the past I have been a major procrastinator. I've had serious mental blocks when it comes to doing the dishes, the laundry, making the bed, vacuuming...the list does go on! As I have set my mind to the task and become determined to improve in all the areas allotted to my care, I have begun to see changes in myself. I see my role as wife and mum (and all the menial tasks that are included in this) as my calling. Why should I not seek to excel and improve in the responsibilities I daily face? Why should my approach be any different to someone in the work force? Seeking to learn, grow, develop, increase their skills base, be promoted (ok, I am not sure what promotion might look like in my case, but I think you get the picture!) No matter what the varying attitudes to raising children might be in our culture, it remains a vital task and should be taken as a huge privilege and approached with an eagerness to excel. Look what is at stake? What an awesome task God entrusts us with! I want to be a good steward of the children given to my care.
There are so many things I want to become good at, and then become excellent at! Little by little, and with a lot of help from my heavenly Father, I am changing, I am growing, I am improving!! My attitude has moved from 'i'll do it later' to 'DO IT NOW'! JUST DO IT CHRISTY!
And now, more and more, I do just do it! The dishes, the laundry, the mopping, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning. If I see it, and it needs to be done... I just do it! Its so liberating and empowering to stop making excuses and to just follow through immediately. So much can be done in a short space of time when we are productive.
It's so pleasant to live in an ordered, tidy and clean environment. I actually find it fun now. I think it is amazing what can happen when we truly embrace the season we are in, and just find joy in all the tasks that need to be done. Menial jobs are a part of life, so just do them! Take pride in your work, even if the results only last five minutes! Oh well, we will do it all again tomorrow anyway. That's life. Yes, the bed will be messed up again tonight (or earlier if the kids, like mine, love to pull the doona off the bed!) just make it! Then, every time you need to go in there, you will see the lovely, well made bed welcoming you to collapse into it (only a few more hours to go...)! An organised home brings mum a sense of satisfaction that is well worth it. Not to mention all the other benefits. I know how hard it is. So many little people working against you in this task, but we just keep at it. Everything we give, all the hours, all the frustrations- he sees. Work for Him and it wont seem so pointless, so menial, so repetitive. There can be joy in our every day work. If we cant find purpose and meaning in the small things of life, we will never find it in the grand.
If motherhood and life at home is your season, embrace it! when we are doing what God has called us to; he empowers us to live it and live it well- if we only ask for his help. That said, if you are trying to cram too much into this season and spreading yourself too thin, you aren't likely to find the peace, rest and joy that is available. There is grace only for that which he has called us into. Our culture often demands that women do so much more when they are mothers of small children. I question that pressure. I think it robs mothers and their children of a sacred season that should be embraced and enjoyed to the full.
Let's do this!
Thanks for sharing Christy. That just encouraged me right where I needed it. I think I will save this or print it to reread again and again. It is so true. I am just going to do the dishes and kitchen now! Jo
I can only take my hat of to mothers.
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