Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wake up!

"But make sure that you don't get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing!"

I struggle to wake up in the morning. It seems that gravity is twice as strong for me as I try, half-heartedly, to pull myself out of a deep slumber. In those moments I feel there is nothing in life I want more than some more sleep. To curl back up under those oh-so-cosy blankets, snuggle in and just sleep! I suppose having children and often multiple wake ups during the night would increase my desire and at times, legitimate need for more sleep. But to be honest I have always been like this. My body craves sleep. I think I could easily sleep til midday every day of the week, regardless of how late or early I went to bed the night before. Of course this is out of the question, mostly because it is not practically possible, but also, in my fully awake moments I truly dont want to sleep that much!

I desire to be an 'early morning person', up at the crack of dawn with enthusiasm and joy. Ready to greet a new day, spend time in the word, a piping hot drink and a quiet breakfast before the house awakens. It sounds like utter bliss! At least it does the night before...Sleep dissolves all my resolve as the following day my determination has been swallowed up by the overwhelming desire to sleep, in those moments it is all I care about. ARgh! the battle goes on.

Parallel to this physical battle I seem to daily face with sleep, is the spiritual one. I long to be more consistent. To daily take up my cross and follow him. To be fully awake to the things of God. To have my eyes on him, prayerful, looking for opportunities to love and bless others. Aware of the spiritual battles so that I pray rather than try to work out solutions with my own logic and limited understanding. Most of the time I think I am in a sleepy state spiritually, and a little agitated when someone or something begins to prod me out of my complacency to look up and see the urgency surrounding me. "The signs of the times" are screaming at us that this is not an hour to be slumbering, self-absorbed and comfortable. What will it take for us to become fully awake and responsive to God.

I think of the poor folk in NZ. Wow. Going about daily tasks, unaware that suddenly the world would come crashing down-literally. Likewise, spiritually we can wander around like sleeping zombies totally unaware of what is about to 'go down' around us and that God has a role for us to play in his purposes. He wants ambassadors, children who are tuned in to his Spirit, ready to act on his behalf. Daily submitting their lives to him, repenting for selfishness and asking him to again crucify our flesh so that we might become more obedient to him, to be USEFUL to him.

We are so stubborn and thick headed! We just want to do what we want, when we want to! Like me each morning; my flesh screams at me to let me let it sleep. It also wants me to switch off and tune out, become absorbed in the little things in life, my desires and wants... Keep the noise going so that I fail to hear the still small voice calling me, drawing me to something higher and better.

The good news is; we have the spirit of him who raised Christ Jesus inside of us! (Rom 8) We are not alone in this battle, we cant win it without him, but with him victory is certain! I praise God because he is winning the battle over my flesh. Slowly but surely I look to him more, turn to him, tune him in, allow him to love me and reveal himself to is incredible. I can't put into words the joy and excitment growing in me as I let him in more and more. Becoming what he called me to be, seeing things I havent seen before...dreaming dreams... Knowing the father's love. He has an abundant life for us. And its not just talk.

I want to challenge other christians out there, who like me, maybe you grew up in the church and feel like you have 'heard it all', there is little that is new and exciting in your faith. The tangible presence of his Spirit is not something you have felt or at least not lately. Oh there is so much more to come! Draw near to God and HE WILL draw near to you (James 4). We DO have to take a step towards him, to call out to him, ask for help, ask for revelation. But seek and you will find, ask and it WILL be given, knock and the door will be opened! These are promises we can depend on, but to receive them we need to take a step out and simply...Ask.

Whatever our current role and obligations in life; for me, its being a wife and mum, God can and will work through that to fulfill his purposes in us and bring us closer to him, bring blessing to others. Don't limit God to how you think he works and what that looks like. Simply come to him with your empty cup and ask him to fill and be amazed.

It's time to wake-up, the time for sleeping has past. We need to be fully awake, fully alive to God and be ready so that we are not taken by suprise when he returns for us, his bride.


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