Today I rushed out after school drop off to get to our church playgroup, (did I mention that last night I got about 4 hours sleep due to a teething child?) the final one for the year, and I had baked some gingerbread Christmas trees to be decorated by the kids. I did that yesterday afternoon with Hudson, while Zipporah napped. The decorating was a hit! I had baked and another girl had brought along the decorations and icing, even just that small sharing of the role, meaning I only had to bring the cookies made the task of baking seem that much lighter. It's funny how much a mental block doing things can be... The straw that breaks the camel's back can be something as little as having to make an extra trip to the shops for gingerbread decorations, as well as doing the baking itself. I am so glad that I can work as part of a team with other ladies at our church- thanks again Misty :)! (I am pretty sure the feeling was mutual as Misty seemed rather overwhelmed at the thought of baking gingerbread cookies for everyone.) Just before I had left for playgroup I received a call from the dental clinic. At the exact moment of receiving the call I remembered the reminder text from a couple of days ago...Ah! The appointment was for 9:50am Thursday. Why on earth had I not realised that at no point were we going to be able to make it?! The lady kindly rescheduled us for later in the afternoon. 2:20pm that should be fine, post-party no worries.
Anyway, after playgroup we drove home (Shane was with me as he had something on this morning and picked me up) I remembered with a start that Charlotte's class party was at 12:30 and I had promised to bring food and come for the party! Shane dropped me at the shops while he got petrol (we were getting dangerously low) I bought some sushi (special request from the party girl) and dashed home and just about beat Shane after getting petrol! It was 12:45, Zipporah goes down for a nap. I sliced up the sushi onto a platter and chucked Hudson in the stroller, got to the party just before 12. The sushi was happily received.
After chilling with the reception kids and mum's I begin to make my way home- though only after a stand-off with a reluctant Hudson. A stand-off that I failed to win, even after seriously calling his bluff and disappearing from his view for a good few minutes!! He remained un flustered and stalwart in his defiance. I snuck up from the side as he was watching for me from another direction, but I wasn't quick enough and he dashed up the playground with a cheeky grin. A few pathetic threatenings later and I threw my dignity to the wayside, jumping up and chasing him down, cornering him by the slide and tunnel, I threw him over my shoulder fireman style and home we went, with minimal protests, I think he quite enjoyed the whole process.
I think my point in relating some of the day's events is to say, having extra things to do, especially in December can quickly become a curse rather than a blessing. I think it is really important if we decide to do things 'to make it special for the kids' we have to enjoy it too. If we don't enjoy it, than it's not really going to be a special time. We will resent it, and them most likely. I think WE have to be excited about whatever it is we are doing and see its value and do-ability. And for each family that is going to look different, depending on the children, their age and stage and depending on the Mother. Each of us have a unique personality and passions, which I do believe, make us the perfect Mother for OUR children. Comparison in areas such as these, as in so many others, is not profitable. Condemning ourselves about what we 'should' be doing is so counter-productive. Don't feel bad about what you aren't doing, just simply enjoy what you are doing. And most of all try and enjoy your kids. Their expectations are not as high as ours are! At the end of the day it's the love and enjoyment we experience in our relationships that really matter not how many activities we do.
Though I am doing something 'more' and different to what I have other years, and it has taken a bit of pre-thought, organisation and enthusiasm on my part. I have, I think, remained realistic about what we can achieve and enjoy during this time. Many of our activities have simply been to incorporate things I would do anyway- like the gifts for teachers. But the kids now have a bit more ownership and involvement. There have been a few acts of kindness that didn't really make it to the intended recipient (like the cards the girls made for the librarian and canteen helpers)...oh well!

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