I don't know what your kids are like, but I have observed many times when my attempts to give them 'treats' does not result in the anticipated shower of thanks and delight. Instead, there comes a barrage of complaints. Comparisons, cries of; 'it's not fair! She has MORE than me!' or 'Why didn't I get THAT one?!' and then I feel the need the lecture about gratefulness and make statements like 'SEE! STUFF doesn't make you happy!! You are actually more unhappy now then before I gave you the treat!' to which they miserably respond 'NO! I AM more happy now!' in a tone that makes their words extremely hard to believe.
So back to Christmas...I am faced with the challenge of making it special and fun for the kids, whilst understanding that an overload of treats and special things for them will not make life more full for them (despite what the advertising would have you believe), but in fact, with their level of maturity right now will actually make them MORE unhappy (and more unhappy for mum too) So I have decided to set aside last year's advent calendar which was a daily activity/treat for the kids to enjoy. Instead, I am getting a little creative and thinking beyond the walls of our home in a bid to get back to the true meaning of Christmas- which I think will ultimately be a lot more fun for the kids and I will feel the pleasure of knowing they are also learning eternal lessons.
We are going to do a daily advent calendar again, but this time I am planning a 'RACK' random act of kindness (not so random really, as they are going to be pre-planned...) I have a brainstorm list of ideas, I got some great ideas from my FB community too which was fun. So each day the kids will get to open the paper bag and find inside the plan for the day. To keep it doable I am going to involve some acts of kindnesses to one another as well as our wider community. I will also throw in a few little craft and family
activities as well for variety. I really want to keep it 'others' centred as much as possible and about working and playing together. Avoiding the 'ME' getting stuff thing. I am anticipating a fun time of meeting people in our community and being an unexpected blessing. I also hope to inspire in my children a life long passion for giving. It really is more blessed to give then to receive and I believe helping them to understand this is giving them something of supreme value.
I am super-keen to throw off the restraints of the commercial-ness of Christmas. To embrace joy, gratitude and simple friendliness. To remember the story of Christmas; how God was so generous to send us his son as our salvation. This Christmas we will be making a deliberate effort to remember this, and to respond in a similar, generous fashion- inspired by Him! It's a privilege to share His love with others. I am excited what this year will bring! Also, I will make a big effort to blog about our experiences and share them with you!
'Tis the Season!
1 comment:
Oh thanks Christy for your post! Excellent, you have inspired me to do just the same and "love on Switzerland" this year! It is a battle against the commercialism everywhere you go, but I am also determined to teach my kids gratitude for what we have and repress the "I need more" way of thinking. Here's to our other centered advent time!! (let us know how it worked out!) Love Suz
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