The sound of moments captured.
With the simple touch to a button, or most often, an iphone screen, another photo taken.
and another, and another, and just one more, and one more from a slightly different angle...
I flip through them again quickly... Hmmm should I delete any? Well, maybe that one...but, oh, he has such a precious expression there, a moment that will never be repeated...Why not keep it? What's one more?
If you are anything like me you are drowning under the weight of the photos you have taken in the last 3-4 years. The last few years of historical life moments that had to be captured. Babies and toddlers and birthdays, holidays, normal days, every days, boring days, funny days. They are all there. Captured, saved, uncategorised....
It was such a beautiful relationship when it started. Oh the fun! The ease! Wow, you mean I don't have to buy expensive film any more? I don't have to limit my creative licence because of money now?! Woo hoo! Photo shoots and happy snaps til we can't move our fingers any more there couldn't possibly be a down side to the wonders of this new technology?!
I really shouldn't complain. I am so blessed to have a rich life with so many moments worth capturing...But...what do I do with them all? And when? Who has the time to trawl back through the weeks, months and years of photos taken and decide just what to do with them all? Sigh.
It's like mount everest and I am afraid of heights.
Anyone else know the feeling??
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