So thankful for the salvation army thrift store a block away from our house! Since we are not in our usual home for Christmas and we are shortly returning back to Australia I do not have much in the way of Christmas decorations etc. I want to make it a special time and fun for the kids, but I don't want to spend a lot of money or buy things I am only going to have to get rid of...
So I head to the thrift store (they don't call them 'op shops' here) I picked up the cutest mini Christmas tree there. It came complete with little gold apples and gold angels and lights!! I also got a bunch of little red apple decorations (loving the apple theme!) some silver tinsel a set of icicle lights that now hang over our back window, a wreath, ribbon and a heap of christmas themed tins that I will be using to fill with home made goodies to give as gifts! I must have spend a total of about $25 on all this stuff. The item I am most excited about though (after the tree) is the CDs I picked up.
I found a WOW (Christian Christmas Music) compilation for $1!!!! Not only is it a double disc of great songs (for the most part), but its a 2011 album! I don't think it had ever been used! My tradition dictates that I commence the playing of Christmas music on November first and absolutely THRASH whatever happens to be my favourite Christmas CD of the year. The last couple of years the sound system has been dominated with the crooning of Mac Powell from Third Day's album "Christmas Offerings" and now I have a new one! Woo yeah! Feeling pretty merry about this, can you tell?!
Anyway, my point is. You really don't have to spend a truck load of money to get into the Christmas vibe. I have also decorated the house with home-made glittered snowflakes that are stringed up around the place, and stuck to the window. Another cheap and fun idea is to get the kids to draw christmas pictures and then stick them over any photo frames that are around the house, preferably large ones! It works for us particularly since we aren't in our own house and some of the kids pictures up around the place makes it a little more personal.

Back to the thrift stores though, another idea to think about at Christmas time-Last year, our family decided that since we were becoming so large, with all the kids being born and all, and since we aren't quite ready to give up present receiving ourselves :) we would have a 'no store-bought gifts' policy. The deal was, you had to either find a present second-hand or make something yourself! I think this was such an awesome idea as the presents were creative and heartfelt and at times, hilarious. It was a great way to bless each other and have fun without a lot of money being spent. The idea was also to use some of that extra cash to give away to those in need. Cool huh?
I am really excited about the whole thrift store thing. I was into it as a teenager but I can see it becoming a full blown obsession! I have moved beyond just clothes shopping as I scour everything from books and magazines, to linens, kitchenware and of course decorations! I find it such a thrill to search in all those 'unwanted' things to find something of value to me or someone else, and to do so at a fraction of the cost of something new...It may take a little more time and you may take more home than you intended too... But its a great way to support the community and learn to be more wise in your spending. It's so easy to rush out and buy new things but I hope you feel a little inspired to check out the local op shop/thrift store and see what treasures you can uncover!
Ok, so I guess I am still buying things I am going to have to get rid of, but hey I know a place that is happy to take on unwanted goods! And the other good news this Christmas is that we have a Saviour who came to earth to give those who feel like 'unwanted goods' new life! (how's that for a tie-in?!)