A crisis transport arose Sunday night. Shane realized there was going to be more kids than seats on the bus to head out to his school camp. He needed to take the car. Monday through Thursday I would be car-less and on my own with the three littlies...Eeek! Shane kissed us all goodbye bright and early Monday morning and I braced myself for the week ahead. Hudson was still sleeping as I lay in bed putting off the inevitable 'rise and shine'. I could see Esther through the gap in the doorway, sitting in the recliner watching a movie, thanks to Shane. The next part was a bit of a blur as I got the girls dressed (actually Char stayed in her pyjamas!) fed, and shod. Esther got her back pack and library bag and I scooped Hudson up last minute, popping him into the baby sling where he remained asleep a little longer. Out the door we go, the girls walking and Hudson happy in the sling.
For some reason preschool is absolutely freezing cold in the morning. I guess its not for 'some reason', the reason clearly is because they have the air-con cranked first thing in the morning. Glad Hudson has a warm place to snuggle, usually I am worried about him getting too hot. Esther changes her library book, we say goodbye, she is happy and I head back home with Char in tow. Hudson needs his morning feed so when we get back I set Char up in front of the TV. It's Yo Gabba Gabba, thank you DJ Lance, Foofa, Luna and the other crazy critters on that truly bizarre show for entertaining my children! Hudson finishes his feed and when Yo Gabba is over we head outside for a bit of play time. Char and I get out the boats and play with our 'water play' toys. She is getting quite into it and talking to herself and the little sailors as she moves them around on the boats. After playing for a little while with her I go and get a snack for Charlotte. The phone rings, its Aunty Helen getting back to me, offering assistance to do a few real estate errands that must happen today, being carless I am in great need of her help! The plan is to come over after Esther's preschool, she'll watch the kids and Uncle Norm will chauffeur me to town to drop off keys from our old place and the condition report for our new one. Bad phone reception and Hudson crying made it a little difficult to communicate but we got there-LIFESAVERS!
I am carrying Hudson around, trying to get him to calm down, unusually cranky this morning. Char finishes her snack and continues to potter around happily. I somehow manage a phone call in there with mum and dad, again with poor reception I had to go outside, cradling Hudson in my arms and the phone under my chin. I give them the latest on whats happening and then say goodbye. After chatting to Mum and Dad, Hudson is almost asleep, I am busting for the toilet. The phone rings; a friend, trying to help me organise getting to a 4 year old party that afternoon, being without a car, I said we wouldn't be able to make it, but not many are invited so they are keen to get us all there, a challenge when three need car seats... I put Hudson down and he starts crying. I am struggling for reception, ignoring his cries I go outside in an attempt to get a better signal. Do my best to end the conversation quickly and return inside to Hudson, still crying. I calm him down and place him on his tummy. Back to check on Charlotte. I am only half heartedly toilet training but, she is asking to go so off we go! I take off her nappy and a poo falls on the floor...Hmmm...Ok. Chuck Char in the shower and clean the toilet floor. Put on a load of washing. I can hear Hudson crying...Char is very happy playing with the bath toys in the shower. I need to make another call, organising transport for the afternoon. OK, its all sorted. Now its 10.30, time to get Char dried and redressed, Hudson has settled but he only has half hour til it is time to pick up Esther from preschool....
So this all happened about three weeks ago. I started writing it the next day but wasn't able to finish. Our internet is ridiculously slow so I havne't bothered since. I took notes on the events of the day because I knew I would quickly forget, but I thought it would be an amusing record, sort of encapsualting a little taste of my life juggling the three kiddies. It is amazing how the days events, which are so all consuming at the time, can be forgotten almost completely in a matter of days! Try and think back a week and get any semblance of what you did and its a lost cause! Quickly the days pass and the seasons change. The challenge of today is drowned out by the demands of tomorrow.
Actually I don't know how accurate an account it is in the end, because the notes were quickly taken and brief, and I cannot remember what happened now I did fill in the blanks a bit... But it is pretty close! Mums out there I encourage you to do this one day, maybe on a day that has been particularly stressful or full of tantrums! It will seem an utter chore to do it, but force yourself! Sit down and type up the events of the day, all the little dramas, the hugs, the fights, the laughter, the accidents and the mayhem. Write down what happens in just one day and I think you will find it a positive reflection on how much you actually get done in a day (or not!), but most of all it will be something you will read again later, barely remembering what it was like to live your life as it is today. Your kids will love it too, one day reading about the goings on in a day to day running of the household. It's funny what seems so humdrum today it doesn't seem worth notating, in a few years time will be precious memories that would have been lost otherwise. Its a beautiful to record to have, if you don't have the energy to write an epistle, even just notes in the daily diary are good. We might cry about it today, but it may bring much merriment to the readers tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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