This blog has been a long time coming, thanks for the faithful who are checking to see if I updated yet! I will try and get onto it sooner next time. I have been rolling this little list around in my head for awhile. I feel as though I have added one more string to my bow as a mum, when I discover some product or item that is so amazing that my quality of life goes up another notch (ok, maybe this is a slight exaggeration..!)
I wanted to share with you some of my favourite baby and toddler must-haves in the hope that you might discover for yourself something that will make your life a bit easier too, and also to ask the question...What is your top 10? Or maybe just top two or three? Let's share our knowledge and increase our domestic power!
In no particular order my top ten is....
1. Baby Bjorn. This is a baby carrier where the baby is strapped on the front either facing in or out. There is a picture of shane wearing one in a much earlier post, I think most people know what these are. I don't use mine heaps, but when I do I am always grateful for it. Babies seem to never cry when they are in these things (at least mine anyway). I had great success with this a couple of weeks ago when I went to target with the girls for about an hour. Charlotte didn't make a peep (except happy ones) the whole time she was in there and Esther was brilliant, looking around at all the toys and didn't seem to mind that she couldn't have any!! THAT was a good outing.
2. Paw Paw cream. Where would we be without PawPaw cream? This is hands down the best nappy-rash cure that I have used. It is also great for bug bites and a whole lot of other things. It also smells really good, which is a problem. The number of times Esther has got into this cream and rubbed it everywhere and eaten handfuls of it... Let's just say we have gotten through more than our fair share of tubs in the last three years. Despite the risks, its still worth it. We just have to keep it stashed out of sight!
3. 'Klipo' containers. This is a recent discovery, its simple really but I like it. They are little plastic containers, with one big advantage.. The lids are attached; A bit like soap dishes. They come in clear and see through blue or green and I think there are two sizes. Very handy if you, like me, seem to lose a lot of lids and then have a bunch of basically useless, lidless containers hanging around. I bought them at Woolies in the container isle (or with the lunchboxes and drink bottles?) an inexpensive way to a happier day.
4. Justine Clarke, 'I like to sing' DVD. I reckon this is the best kids music DVD I have seen. Funky, clever, funny, full of colour and lots of dancing children! The songs are great fun to sing and I don't get sick of this nearly as quick as anything else! This is really worth investing in. Trust me. (Esther calls this DVD 'love it' ... that says it all doesn't it?)
5. Rafferty's Garden baby food. Cute, colourful packaging, RESEALABLE packs (yay!) and organic or something thats meant to make it better, PLUS it was the same price as Farex. I am talking the cereal stuff, the pastas and meal thingos are quite pricey, but the multigrain cereals etc. good value I reckon. Big fan of the resealable bag, as you can tell by my use of caps and now mentioning it twice..yup.
6. Peekaboo books. (Charlotte is featured with this book in the above snap) These have been a big hit with both kids and actually Esther still really enjoys them. Repetitive anticipation that the kiddies love. Big flaps that are easy for the kids to open themselves AND they are touch and feel...wooo. I am sure they are very educational as well. They are a real winner as far as baby books go. Love em! (ours are completely trashed, so if anyone wants to give one to Charlotte for her first birthday next week, that would be most welcome :)
7. Kinderkot. If you've seen this in action it speaks for itself. Awesomeness. It's a pop up tent that is a 'portacot' substitute. Let's face it, there is nothing much 'portable' about traditional 'portacots'. Big, heavy, awkward to carry, ESPECIALLY if one is pregnant and going upstairs, not a good combo (don't want to talk about it). This Kinderkot has really met a need in our lives. Lightweight at 3kgs. The carry bag (that could fit underneath a car seat) contains; the pop up tent, a self inflating mattress and a matching sleeping bag. It's genius. We have more than got ouor money's worht out of this baby (about $140). It was Esther's bed for quite a number of weeks when we went through the rocky stage of transferring from cot to bed (the ability to lock her in there with the use of a handy safety pin her in there was a godsend, let me tell you). Please don't call family services on us. Things would have been far worse for her if we didn't have the option and all got sleep deprived instead. She would be asleep in minutes when she knew there was no escape and we would transfer her to bed...Anyway this is all beside the point! It's primary use is for travel or at other people's places. Great little cosy spot that is familiar wherever they are. So easy to carry, set up and pack up. So good!
8. Sunbeam mini food processor. Ok I don't know if this is the right name for it. But it is like a hand blender with different attachments. So you can take off the blender and attach it to a mini food processor, there is also a whisk attachment (which I have never used...). This is such a handy gadget! Obviously great for blending baby food, but also great if you are a bit of a cook and are in need of a food processor but don't have the space in the kitchen or the $ for it. This is fantastic as it doesn't take up much space and is also 600w so it can blend ice!! Love that feature! I use this almost daily for either blending up food for Charlotte or making awesome frozen banana smoothies.
9. First cutlery set. This is a tradition that I am starting with my kids. For first Christmas or birthday to give them a children's cutlery set with their name engraved on it. I think its a great way to show everyone's 'place' in the family, that each is special and thought of. Also a great childhood keepsake for when they grow up and start their own family. (it's also handy to have the children's cutlery in small, metal form. You can't have enough mini eating implements around and the plastic variety just don't cut it in my books...pardon the pun).
10. Charlie and Lola Backpack. Ok, I have been sucked in. It's just so fun to buy this cutesy stuff. Look, I got this on special from; www.mooo.com.au - great website, and Esther loves it! It's just the right size for her little back and back when I bought it Charlie and Lola was about the only DVD we owned and we were watching it heaps. Very cute show. Very cute merchandise. Esther loves carrying around her backpack and taking it to playgroup and friends houses with a drink, snack and a spare pair of undies. I feel I am teaching her to take responsibility. Oh, I have also recently invested in a little Charlie and Lola suitcase on roller wheels. Gosh she loves it! Almost as much as me. It's number 10, thought I would share one of my motherly indulgences with you...We all have one or two right?
So there you go, that's my top ten list of baby and toddler must-haves, hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to tell me your favourites too!
1 comment:
hey christy....nice top 10...wish u could get all that stuff over here in india!! my mum will definitely be bringin over a motherload of stuff...haha...
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