Now that I am so close to escaping the heat for a few weeks I thought I should make part two of my build-up edition a reflection on things of a more positive nature, in relation to life in Darwin. I do feel highly priveliged in a way, that God should call us to live here. As though we have some extraordinary capabilities not usually bestowed on the common man. Perhaps it is his way of fast tracking my character training, which I would like to believe is indeed taking place amidst all the sweat, mold and cockroaches. Yes I feel somehow honoured that he thinks I can hack it, yet I know truly all credit goes to him. Any 'hacking' it that has been achieved is thanks to his power being made perfect in my weakness. However, I do retain a certain smug sense of achievement, is that wrong?
I must say something else I do appreciate about the heat is exercising in it. That may sound crazy I know. But think about it. You EXPECT to sweat and be hot when you are exercising and there is something really satisfying about doing so when you are working hard. I have enjoyed riding the bike home from Shane's school. The warm wind, the beautiful clouds, excellent biking paths, lush green trees and gardens really make it a pleasure. And, as I said working up a sweat feels good. I feel like the climate is working with me in my bid to lose weight. (its working up a sweat when you get up to take a trip to the loo in the middle of the night that doesn't feel so good, but this is positive reflection time, so I won't go into that).
One more thing (yes I am at the end of my positives already!) that I really love about the build-up; is the sense of comaraderie that you have with your friends, heck even strangers! Going through extreme weather really bonds you with others. Talking to others and hearing how they are struggling, coping/not coping makes you realise you aren't alone. We tell stories of how we flip out tying kids shoelaces between the air-con house and the air-con car (;P karin) or how we lost it and kicked in the laundry basket (yep that one was me), or we just want to chuck it all in and move 'down south' (i.e anywhere else in Australia)! It is a good reminder that in general, in life, there is always someone else going through the same thing you are. There are people who know EXACTLY how you feel. I think in Darwin I am closer to my weaknesses, which brings me closer to God and closer to others...At the end of the day, I really love that.

i've kicked in the washing basket a few times...
Brrr... Chilly Adelaide awaits... it's currentyly 17*C and cloudy!
Once again I am smiling/laughing as I read. Thank you for ending my hellishly hot day on a positive note, Christy!
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