Coupons, vouchers and discounts. Who doesn't love these? I for one, am a big fan. Heck I will down two bad coffees if it means getting two for one, even if I didn't want the first! You will understand better if you know I have a mother who will ALWAYS get large or upsize just because it is better value.Good for the hip pocket, not so good for the hip...
Tonight I had a lovely visit with a good friend at cafe Maccas (haven for mum's and those with an undiscerning palate). This lovely visit was made more lovely by the fact that all we had to do was 'mention' the ad in the 'qikfind' to receive two for one capuccinos (perhaps the caffeine is the reason i am bloggin rather than sleepin right now). It was also lovely not to have this discount questioned.
Last year Macca's Darwin (and there is only one maccas cafe in Darwin) put an ad in the 'qikfind' which entitled the mentioner of the ad a two for one frappe. I certainly made the most of that deal , let me tell you. Everyone in my acquaintance knew about it too, if they weren't getting cheap frappes it wasn't for lack of being told, (thats for darn sure). This deal was made sweeter still by the fact that you didn't need to produce an ad, only 'mention' it. And did I say it was unlimited? Woo hoo! Trouble is Macca's hadn't bothered to 'mention' this to the majority of their staff, so I was left to inform and explain my request many a time (you think with one cafe in Darwin that it wouldn't take too much effort to let their employees in on this fact). Over time I had all the staff educated and my requests became trouble free. So 2007 was 2-for-1 Frappes, this year it is 2-for-1 capuccinos. Not nearly as exciting I know, but better than a poke in the eye right?
Monday afternoon as my family and I left Bunnings we found ourselves forced to turn left onto bagot road rather than right and so nearing Macdonalds we decided to go through drive thru to pick up icecreams for all of us (Charlotte was banned from this small pleasure). As we were going through Shane remembered his two 'free big Mac' vouchers he received for participating in the red shield appeal. Cool, free lunch. Thank God for the salvos! As we were paying for the cones and a cheeseburger for Esther the cashier apologetically told us we couldn't use both vouchers at once. Ok, fair enough it DOES say only one per customer per day and although there were two of us, technically Shane was the only customer. Not one to be difficult, I hopped out and took my voucher in to the front counter and waited my turn. 5 mins later I handed my card to the manager who was serving.
Tonight I had a lovely visit with a good friend at cafe Maccas (haven for mum's and those with an undiscerning palate). This lovely visit was made more lovely by the fact that all we had to do was 'mention' the ad in the 'qikfind' to receive two for one capuccinos (perhaps the caffeine is the reason i am bloggin rather than sleepin right now). It was also lovely not to have this discount questioned.
Last year Macca's Darwin (and there is only one maccas cafe in Darwin) put an ad in the 'qikfind' which entitled the mentioner of the ad a two for one frappe. I certainly made the most of that deal , let me tell you. Everyone in my acquaintance knew about it too, if they weren't getting cheap frappes it wasn't for lack of being told, (thats for darn sure). This deal was made sweeter still by the fact that you didn't need to produce an ad, only 'mention' it. And did I say it was unlimited? Woo hoo! Trouble is Macca's hadn't bothered to 'mention' this to the majority of their staff, so I was left to inform and explain my request many a time (you think with one cafe in Darwin that it wouldn't take too much effort to let their employees in on this fact). Over time I had all the staff educated and my requests became trouble free. So 2007 was 2-for-1 Frappes, this year it is 2-for-1 capuccinos. Not nearly as exciting I know, but better than a poke in the eye right?
Monday afternoon as my family and I left Bunnings we found ourselves forced to turn left onto bagot road rather than right and so nearing Macdonalds we decided to go through drive thru to pick up icecreams for all of us (Charlotte was banned from this small pleasure). As we were going through Shane remembered his two 'free big Mac' vouchers he received for participating in the red shield appeal. Cool, free lunch. Thank God for the salvos! As we were paying for the cones and a cheeseburger for Esther the cashier apologetically told us we couldn't use both vouchers at once. Ok, fair enough it DOES say only one per customer per day and although there were two of us, technically Shane was the only customer. Not one to be difficult, I hopped out and took my voucher in to the front counter and waited my turn. 5 mins later I handed my card to the manager who was serving.
' You have to buy somethign with that' she told me uncooperatively.
What? I carefully read the 'free big Mac' card, there was NO mention of 'buy one get one free' or a 'with any other purchase'. I mean, after all, it was supposed to be a REWARD for those who participated in the Red Shield, I didn't expect a debate over fine print I expected a 'thank you so much for your service to the community, would you like some free fries with that?' (ok, i know I didn't ACTUALLY do the Red Shield appeal myself, but i let my husband do it while i was preparing for Esther's second birthday party, heck i think i deserve at least 2 big Mac's for that!!).
'It doesn't say that ANYWHERE, look!' I told her confidently. She reads through the freebie card and points out, with triumph
'see, "when ordering"'.
'What? That doesn't mean anything!! I AM ordering! I am ordering a FREE BIG MAC lady! Sheesh!'
Ok I didn't say that. At that point I actually walked out without saying anything more. Golly! Like its going to hurt them to actually give something away for free. Gosh its frustrating. I felt a tad like a spoilt kid, throwing a tantrum for not getting their own way, but heck, I was HUNGRY for goodness sake. I haven't given up, I will take it in another day and find a trainee that I can intimidate with my confidence and startling good looks... :)
well I am having a bit of a voucher rant, let me tell you how I feel about most vouchers that come out these days. You think some businesses are actually trying to put off people from coming to their store and using them. They are getting so complex in their stinginess...
'When purchasing an item from the breakfast menu, Receive 28% off Your second drink when you buy a drink of the same or greater value'
?!? What?! I want a buy-one-get-one-free not a maths problem!!
Is it really going to break the bank to allow patrons to have something for free. Double or nothing, thats my motto. Anything else in the letter box just ticks me off. Really, the only place that seem to do decent voucher books these days is Hungrys. They still believe in the buy one get one free. None of this 'buy 3 and get your third one half price' rubbish! You actually get some decent deals. Not that we've seen the booklet for awhile. They used to come out every season it seemed. I have heard of others receiving them of late, but somehow we have been left out. Maybe they targeted us as people who actually use their vouchers. I must say that the scissors get a good work out when we do get it and our diets take a bit of a thrashing... maybe it is a good thing. The things is, all vouchers do is bring the price down to what it should normally be anyway... I think 3.95 is a ridiculous amount to pay for a macca's capuccino don't you? But if you get two...well, its ok isn't it.
Well that freebie coffee I had early this evening is starting to wear off...
Ok I didn't say that. At that point I actually walked out without saying anything more. Golly! Like its going to hurt them to actually give something away for free. Gosh its frustrating. I felt a tad like a spoilt kid, throwing a tantrum for not getting their own way, but heck, I was HUNGRY for goodness sake. I haven't given up, I will take it in another day and find a trainee that I can intimidate with my confidence and startling good looks... :)
well I am having a bit of a voucher rant, let me tell you how I feel about most vouchers that come out these days. You think some businesses are actually trying to put off people from coming to their store and using them. They are getting so complex in their stinginess...
'When purchasing an item from the breakfast menu, Receive 28% off Your second drink when you buy a drink of the same or greater value'
?!? What?! I want a buy-one-get-one-free not a maths problem!!
Is it really going to break the bank to allow patrons to have something for free. Double or nothing, thats my motto. Anything else in the letter box just ticks me off. Really, the only place that seem to do decent voucher books these days is Hungrys. They still believe in the buy one get one free. None of this 'buy 3 and get your third one half price' rubbish! You actually get some decent deals. Not that we've seen the booklet for awhile. They used to come out every season it seemed. I have heard of others receiving them of late, but somehow we have been left out. Maybe they targeted us as people who actually use their vouchers. I must say that the scissors get a good work out when we do get it and our diets take a bit of a thrashing... maybe it is a good thing. The things is, all vouchers do is bring the price down to what it should normally be anyway... I think 3.95 is a ridiculous amount to pay for a macca's capuccino don't you? But if you get two...well, its ok isn't it.
Well that freebie coffee I had early this evening is starting to wear off...
(June 13th: I took my 'free big mac' card to Casuarina Maccas today. Not only did they give it to me for free without making me purchase anything, they also allowed me to switch it to a chicken burger! Sweet justice...)
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