It is Wednesday morning, which means craft group! I do love craft group as it means I have 3 hours with Esther in creche and time to focus on my arty projects uninterrupted (well, almost; Charlotte is in the rocker next to me but she sleeps most of the time). I like to get there right on time to make the most of the morning. Things started on track, I had a bit of a sleep in (8am, nice!) and then both girls were ready to start the day. I got Esther changed (we had a brief stint on the potty which yielded no fruit) then she was strapped in to her chair for breakfast. Charlotte was a little fussy about eating so I put her in the rocker while I ate my muesli. It was about 8:15. I finished breakfast, as did Esther who was let out of her chair and sat in front of sesame street. Ok, back to Charlotte who must be hungry by now as her last feed was 5am. I try and get her on for a drink and all she will do is cry and cry! Ok, I have dinner to get ready so, back in the rocker. I get out the slow cooker, chopping board, onions, meat. Chop the onion and chuck it in the pan with oil and curry paste. Chop up the meat (with an inappropriate and ill sharpened knife) and throw it in too. Browning the meat and releasing the spices in the paste. Done. Ok, that all goes in the slow cooker with a big tin of chopped tomatoes, a can of coconut cream and some veggie stock. Lid on, set to low for 7-8 hours! Dinner is done, but Charlotte still hasn't fed. it is now 8:36. I pick up Charlotte as she is still crying. About to go feed her when I remember... I need snacks for Esther while she is in creche! With Char on my shoulder I grab some bread and peanut butter and whip together a sandwhich, into the glad bag it goes with a couple of mandarins now into the handbag. Charlotte is still crying. Into the bedroom trying a lying down feed. She is still crying, and gets more hysterical every time I try and shove the source of nourishment into her mouth! What to do? I could just leave and hope she feeds better when we get to creche, though if she doesn't it will be even more awkward. What is wrong? She is never like this in the morning... its 8:55. I am not going to make it on time. Maybe if i try the other side... Bam! She goes on like a charm and sucks happily for 15mins! Phew. Definitely going to be late now but Charlotte should sleep through now that she has been well fed. Esther comes in and out climbing over my shoulder having a look 'drink Charlotte'. Then I get a 'see yah mummy' as she shuts the door behind her... Hmmm I don't really like being shut into my bedroom with a toddler on the loose on the other side... No time to stress about it, gotta get this baby fed! 9:15, I reckon she has had enough so lets go! Now, to get everything and everyone into the car. Logistics! I need; Charlotte, her blanket, my handbag and my painting to work on plus a free hand for Esther... Tricky, but I work it out (thanks to my sling/strap for Char) Ok, lets go girls!
'Mummy poos, mummy, poos!'
Are you serious? 'Ok Esther'.
Charlotte, handbag and painting go down onto the couch, Charlotte starts crying. Stinky pants and I go to the bedroom to change. Better here then there I guess. 9:20. Right, smelling sweet again I pick up Charlotte, blanket, handbag and painting (no free hand for Esther, too bad!) out the door and to the car. Esther opens the door to let herself in and climbs into the middle seat (note: not her car seat) I strap Charlotte in and put the painting in the boot, handbag on the front seat and come round to Esther's door.
'Esther, you have to sit in your seat'
'Esther, we can't go until you sit in your seat, c'mon' I turn to look away and fain patience.
'Esther, hop into your seat!' She doesn't budge.
Esther receives chastisement and is deposited into her seat. 9:28. Alright! 'Lets go!'
Well, we can't be on time every week now can we? Once we got to creche things went smoothly and I was able to finish the painting I was working on, and thoroughly enjoyed the uninterrupted peace I had to do it in.
I love Wednesday mornings!