I have a few little resolutions brewing in my mind for 2014. One of them is to write more regularly. I am aiming to become more disciplined and consistent at blogging. So look out! I would also like to shed another 10kg to get me down to pre-baby weight (this weight loss would take me back to where I was at when we were married, that would be novel!) though I still have a considerable amount of weight to lose, I am just going to reflect on the fact that in the past 12 months I have already lost 10kg, So I am pleased about that, halfway home! I like the slow and steady method of losing weight, I don't believe in deprivation ;) .
I also want to build on some of the successes from last year- During lent 2013 I had a Facebook fast which turned out to be a really productive time of spiritual growth for me. I invested myself more in times of bible study and really felt the benefits in my mind and spirit. I would like to continue to invest more time in the word and especially in just having quiet times alone with God, where I sit in his presence, enjoying his love for me and loving him back. Times to recharge are so vital for living well the rest of the time. I have really seen in myself the constant cycle of having good times being close to God and walking 'in step' with his spirit- I feel so good at these times that I start to forget how dependent they are on remaining focused on him. I use that fuel and run myself to empty, and then realise, after falling in a mental or emotional heap that I forgot to KEEP doing what was making me feel so great. It seems a lesson I keep repeating, but I am hoping to learn it to such a deep level that I never forget where my strength comes from. I am happy for the constant reminders of my dependence on him and I never want to have 'success' in life a part from God. So he is answering my prayer in that regard! Even if it makes me feel rather pathetic most of the time, pathetic is my true state when I am not filled with his presence.
A little reflection on my advent time with the kids; It was so fun and really worthwhile, I think we all got to thinking of others more and how we could be a blessing. Esther continues to want to take our 'tracts' and put them up places! She also used some of her OWN precious money and freely put it into one of the charity boxes at the woolies check out. It was a generous offering too! I felt so proud as it was totally unprompted on my part. She looked pleased with herself
. I am happy to see her begin to catch on to how fun it is to be generous.
As I mentioned in my previous post, December is a pretty full on time with a lot going on... Having a different activity each day was a little bit of a burden at times and we did end up with a 'bank up' of acts of kindness to do and ended up doing a lot of them on the one afternoon... Kind of making the daily 'advent' thing a bit defunct. What I am thinking for next year is to maybe come up with a list of activities, perhaps get the kids to help brainstorm too. Then we could have the list hanging up and tick them off as we get opportunities. We could then have a couple of days in the month where we really have a focused time ticking a bunch off at once, rather than dribbling it out throughout the month. I think I will keep the daily advent count down with a small treat for them and a verse from the bible to read out (perhaps in accordance with the jesse tree). We did do jesse tree for the first time this year, which was also difficult to keep on top of!! Shane was great and took over doing this with the kids. He is so much better at getting them to sit down and listen and staying calm as he shares a story with them (perhaps that is why he is a teacher and I am not?!). It was a bit over Hudson's head though... and next year Zipporah will probably want to be involved... so we might have to rethink how to do that also. It's challenging having kids at different ages and stages and figuring out how to do something that is engaging for all of them! Anyway, I will think more about it later in the year. Though I did bite off more than I could chew this Christmas, I am excited to whittle out what didn't work and make it even better next time. All a good learning experience and it was definitely really positive over all.
So bring on 2014 hey?! I am excited about this year and all that it will bring. I have learnt so much about God's love and goodness and enjoyed the fellowship of the Holy Spirit in my daily life more than ever before. I am hoping to continue on in this journey of faith and discover even more! I love that his love goes on and there is always something new to discover. I really want to have super natural help in wisdom and strategies to run my home well, be a good mother, supportive wife and friend. I know I need help daily to have the energy and strength to give to all those who need me. I want to become excellent with the 'mundane' responsibilities I have before me. Making sure I am giving the best of myself to the things that I am most responsible for. I know if I am faithful with the small God will continue to increase my capacity to help others. I want to become all of who he has made me to be. May this year you have your eyes opened to see and your ears to hear all that God is and has for you. God bless and Happy New Year!
psalm 65:11 You crown the year with Your goodness,
And Your paths drip with abundance.