I have to make special mention of Nathan T and his wife Ang and also to Karin who I saw yesterday and today (respectively) and who both, spontaneously encouraged me in my blog writing! :) thanks guys! You don't know how it encourages me to know you take the time to read my thoughts and that you enjoy it. You reinspire me and I dedicate this to you. Mwaw!
Last Tuesday night I attended my much loved GEMS night (godly encouragement for mums) and it is certainly always that. While I am in the mood for thanking people I would like to thank Janie for all her hard work and love that she puts into encouraging mums and families. You are an inspiration and a great source of hope for me and I know many other mums! Last GEMS was probably one of the most enjoyable for me as it was tackling something very practical; balancing what you have to do each day! Yes this is a challenge to us all, mums or not. It was great to get some pearls of wisdom and some practical ideas on how to make the most of daily living as a mum. I took notes, so I will share some of the highlights. I will start with the pearls of wisdom and then share some of Janie's practical insights and of course, since it is MY blog, you will have to hear some of my ideas too!
Save your 'yes's' for the BEST things. Don't use up all your time on what is simply a 'good' thing to do. Ask yourself; 'is this the BEST thing for me and my family?' You can't fit everything you want to do in life into one season of life. Sometimes you have to let go of things and realise, there will be another season of life where I can pick this back up.
Don't let yourself become too busy. LIVE OUT the reality that death is inevitable and quite possibly imminent (!) Ask yourself; 'What are my long term priorities?' and then live them out and live in harmony with them. Don't underestimate the value, for good or for bad, of little decisions. Small choices and actions build up to big consequences.
Too often what is important gets sidelined for what seems urgent. This is STRESSFUL! Rest and exercise are usually the first things to get ditched at these times, which has a profound negative affect on all areas of life. Are you busy doing a lot but not finding time for what is important?
urgent= reactive
important= proactive
Decide what is important for you and live in a way that reflects that. Someone is planning your days. Is it you? Don't live by someone else's agenda. YOU need to schedule your priorities. If you fail to do this you will fail to experience the outcomes you are looking for in life.
Think, reflect, plan!
Do the things you love to do. Take time to dream. What would you most like to do in life? Small changes can make a big difference and bring you closer to what you are hoping for.
Streamline: Do priority tasks early in the day
Use a calendar and BOOK in date nights, family nights and times to connect with others.
Organise your home. (I'm trying ok!!) Start little and be consistent. (I have started on my girls wardrobe, as seen in earlier blog, I do find it a lot easier to keep on top of the clothes situation since doing that AND I have successfully maintained it for three weeks! Thats a new record for me I think! Yay.)
Work towards a structured day (always flexible of course). Boredom=mischief = mental breakdown for mum!
Get kids to bed on time, for you sanity and theirs. A well slept child is a happy child and same can be said for us no doubt!
Work towards raising morally responsible children. PLAN your parenting, don't be caught off guard. Be generous in love and encouragement. Bring your children into your world. Involved them in the daily tasks that need to be done. It's not our job as mum to simply keep them entertained all day but to teach and train them. This can start at a very young age and slowly increase with their maturity and ability. Work together and alongside each other. Get them to put clothes away, help with dishes, pick things up, make a mini clothesline for them to help hang washing. They take so much pride in helping mummy. Remember our job is to work ourselves OUT of a job. (Sounds good to me!)
Get rid of bad habits and time wasters (hmmm mine would probably facebook...)
Work hard and then rest without feeling guilty! (I actually don't have a problem with this one!)
If you need to fit something else into your schedule, try and take something else out.
Work Smart; while doing housework or even out shopping, listen to an MP3 player- get your soul fed by listening to music, worship, teaching etc. Keep books and (appropriate!) crafts in your bag to pull out when in waiting rooms or queues or you have a spare moment at home (like on the toilet (no I don't think I even get to do that in peace!..'mummy, what you doing?')
Use a slow cooker! It feels so good to have dinner done by 9am! It is such a great way of avoiding the chaotic rush that usually accompanies tea time.
Last Tuesday night I attended my much loved GEMS night (godly encouragement for mums) and it is certainly always that. While I am in the mood for thanking people I would like to thank Janie for all her hard work and love that she puts into encouraging mums and families. You are an inspiration and a great source of hope for me and I know many other mums! Last GEMS was probably one of the most enjoyable for me as it was tackling something very practical; balancing what you have to do each day! Yes this is a challenge to us all, mums or not. It was great to get some pearls of wisdom and some practical ideas on how to make the most of daily living as a mum. I took notes, so I will share some of the highlights. I will start with the pearls of wisdom and then share some of Janie's practical insights and of course, since it is MY blog, you will have to hear some of my ideas too!
Save your 'yes's' for the BEST things. Don't use up all your time on what is simply a 'good' thing to do. Ask yourself; 'is this the BEST thing for me and my family?' You can't fit everything you want to do in life into one season of life. Sometimes you have to let go of things and realise, there will be another season of life where I can pick this back up.
Don't let yourself become too busy. LIVE OUT the reality that death is inevitable and quite possibly imminent (!) Ask yourself; 'What are my long term priorities?' and then live them out and live in harmony with them. Don't underestimate the value, for good or for bad, of little decisions. Small choices and actions build up to big consequences.
Too often what is important gets sidelined for what seems urgent. This is STRESSFUL! Rest and exercise are usually the first things to get ditched at these times, which has a profound negative affect on all areas of life. Are you busy doing a lot but not finding time for what is important?
urgent= reactive
important= proactive
Decide what is important for you and live in a way that reflects that. Someone is planning your days. Is it you? Don't live by someone else's agenda. YOU need to schedule your priorities. If you fail to do this you will fail to experience the outcomes you are looking for in life.
Think, reflect, plan!
Do the things you love to do. Take time to dream. What would you most like to do in life? Small changes can make a big difference and bring you closer to what you are hoping for.
Streamline: Do priority tasks early in the day
Use a calendar and BOOK in date nights, family nights and times to connect with others.
Organise your home. (I'm trying ok!!) Start little and be consistent. (I have started on my girls wardrobe, as seen in earlier blog, I do find it a lot easier to keep on top of the clothes situation since doing that AND I have successfully maintained it for three weeks! Thats a new record for me I think! Yay.)
Work towards a structured day (always flexible of course). Boredom=mischief = mental breakdown for mum!
Get kids to bed on time, for you sanity and theirs. A well slept child is a happy child and same can be said for us no doubt!
Work towards raising morally responsible children. PLAN your parenting, don't be caught off guard. Be generous in love and encouragement. Bring your children into your world. Involved them in the daily tasks that need to be done. It's not our job as mum to simply keep them entertained all day but to teach and train them. This can start at a very young age and slowly increase with their maturity and ability. Work together and alongside each other. Get them to put clothes away, help with dishes, pick things up, make a mini clothesline for them to help hang washing. They take so much pride in helping mummy. Remember our job is to work ourselves OUT of a job. (Sounds good to me!)
Get rid of bad habits and time wasters (hmmm mine would probably facebook...)
Work hard and then rest without feeling guilty! (I actually don't have a problem with this one!)
If you need to fit something else into your schedule, try and take something else out.
Work Smart; while doing housework or even out shopping, listen to an MP3 player- get your soul fed by listening to music, worship, teaching etc. Keep books and (appropriate!) crafts in your bag to pull out when in waiting rooms or queues or you have a spare moment at home (like on the toilet (no I don't think I even get to do that in peace!..'mummy, what you doing?')
Use a slow cooker! It feels so good to have dinner done by 9am! It is such a great way of avoiding the chaotic rush that usually accompanies tea time.
As I get more efficient and find more ways of occupying Esther I have to remember to keep taking time out to just 'be' with my little girl. To talk to her and play with her without always thinking about what I need to do next. When playing with her in her room I find my self starting to sort clothes and put things away instead of just enjoying her company. She will grow up fast and I want to know that I enjoyed everyday and took advantage of the time we had together to really get to know her and not just look after her. Both are important we just need to keep them in balance.
Get help if you need it, and again don't feel guilty! We all need help and no one is really a super mum, we all need each other, for encouragement if nothing else. Be proactive in encouraing other mums. It is so easy for us to judge one another. We are all so different in how we parent. But we don't know what burdens another is carrying. And our kind word of encouragment might be the thing that helps them get through another day. Words are powerful; use that power for good!
So that's my notes from GEMS this month, I hope you find them as encouraging and inspiring as I did.
If you are messy, disorganised, tired and worn out; REJOICE. There is so much potential for you to be changed and for God to be glorified. Remember, NOTHING is impossible for our God. ASK him for help and he WILL hear you. I know this is true as he is doing this for me!