It is so exciting discovering what God means when he says 'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full' John 10:10. There is so much to discover in this little verse. A lifetime of joy in this promise. It's not a life of comforts and pleasures...but then it is...not the comfort of worldly wealth but the comfort of knowing your life is in the arms of a loving Father. The pleasure of knowing you are here because you bring him delight. The joy of discovering more; more beauty, more freedom, more fun... There is a richness and a depth to life that we barely scratch the surface of. You know how its said that we only use some small percentage of our brain? I think the same can be said of our lives. We only enjoy some small percentage of our lives when it is actually possible, with God, to enjoy all of it. Its not that everything is enjoyable, it's some miracle of God that makes it possible. 'The joy of the Lord is our strength' It's his JOY that gives us strength. I have found that when I choose to enjoy and celebrate God in my day I do become stronger, I am able to do more, to embrace more, give more, laugh more, I LIVE more. It doesn't make sense, but it happens. When his word becomes the TRUTH of my life, when I embrace it and allow it to become a reality, LET him live in me; I am transformed.
I liken it to looking at a map. We can discover a great many things by looking at a map; longitude, latitude, heights and depths, population, produce, many facts about a country and its people. Imagine looking at a map and learning about that country... Now, imagine flying through the sky over that same place, over that same area you saw on the map, but in real life and in real time...
With the wind in your face you are soaring over the great blues and hues of blustering waters far below and clouds whistling past your ears. Suddenly, the ocean peels away to reveal a glorious continent of hills and valleys, rivers and lakes, people and places. There are colours and sights and smells you never could've imagined from looking at the map. It defies description. It's exciting, it's adventure, it's beautiful - and it's in 3D!! What a contrast, what a transformation! Of course, there is really no comparison. You could never say you know a country well from looking at a map of the place. You must go there, be immersed in the culture, the people, smelling the air and swimming in the waters.
This is how it is with God. We read his word and often go to church but we take it in at the 2D level, we don't really absorb it into our souls. We don't believe it with all our hearts, let it become our reality, let HIM become our reality. When we do we are transformed, the world is a different place. We are in HIS Kingdom. That is where I want to live. How about you?